Monday, March 19, 2012

New Direction

I feel like this new blog I have created is a bit on the extreme side of things. I have thought about making this move for several months now and an unpleasant phone call this morning was the catalyst to finally take this step.

I definitely feel like it's a childish thing to do, but maybe it's time to let that child out!

I have not posted much lately because I felt hurt by my family's lack of contact and didn't really want to give them free information, thereby giving them more reason to not call. (Is that a run on sentence?)

And this morning I was chastised for creating drama in the family and having a chip on my shoulder that no one wants to break through. Since I no longer have to worry about making the drama worse through my blog, there may be more on that topic later.

I have a lot of bruised feelings. Once again, I'm not looking for sympathy, I just want a place to sort it out and give it an outlet. So I made one! :)


  1. I wish I had the guts to create a private blog, a safe place to write & explore MY life without constantly worrying about what others (primarily family) will think. Bravo to you! I can't wait to read more here . . .

  2. I think you have come upon a great idea! Maybe I will do the same :) We just need a place to vent and people who will understand. More like a journal where we can write our feeling down. I think you are AWESOME LADY!

  3. Here is another attempt to leave a comment. I came here to look for new posts. You must be busy.
