Monday, March 19, 2012

In Honor of Spring

Despite the winter-like welcome sign that was stuck to my door since the beginning of the year and the 2-ft-high "Let it Snow" sign in my front window, Winter never really showed up around these parts. We've seen more mud than snow and have not had more than 3 days of snow covering the ground all season. It is very bizarre for this part of Idaho. And very depressing. I don't like driving in snow, and I don't much like being cold, but I do like snow and think it's beautiful.

However, even I can move on. I am looking forward to Spring. I want to open my windows, send the kids outside for hours on end and enjoy some flowers in my yard. I want to smell the sweet scents of rebirth.

In honor of the First Day of Spring, coming tomorrow, I broke out my Silhouette and some colorful vinyl for a new sign for the door.

Too bad I near froze to death while I was putting it on! It snowed most of today. It's all gone again, but I think it's safe to expect Spring to confuse itself with Winter a bit. Ah, Idaho.


  1. Extremely crazy weather this year! I just drove home in a snowstorm. I really like your sign, it made me laugh :) I'm seriously ready for some real spring weather!

  2. We're pretty confused up here in WA too. The day will start with huge snow flurries, be bright sun by afternoon, then end with a torrential rain storm. Ugh. I've never been SO ready for summer.

  3. Yesterday, the "First Day of Spring" brought us our 2nd snow of the year. And today it is suppose to be 67 degrees. Unfortunately, I prefer winter so I am still crossing my fingers for it!

  4. I made it to the end, or beginning. I don't know when I last viewed your blog and came to the conclusion that you had not been writing. I think your Blog had been opening with the next blog, "New Direction" when I have linked to it. Or, maybe I was just too inattentive and didn't notice the entries in the right frame. Duh!
