Sunday, January 6, 2013

This Week

The holidays are over.  The fun is all over.  It's back to boring and normal life!  I am hoping that will mean positive changes for us.

Chad has submitted several resumes all over the west (and one or two in the east).  Most of those were sent before Christmas, but the responses have been slow.  We hope that the end of festivities means the beginning of progress in the job hunt.

We also hope that the transition into normal life means that our chances of selling our home shoot up.  We've only had one call on the house so far and they wanted a lease/buy option.  I am really hoping to sell soon, but  that means that I have to battle keeping a clean house while battling being a single parent.  Either one of those battles is big enough on its own.

Meanwhile, our life goes on.  This week includes a trip to Primary Children's hospital in Salt Lake with Nathan and a biopsy for Daniel in Idaho Falls.  Both boys are hurting a lot and taking pain killer constantly.  Daniel's system doesn't seem to respond well to hydrocodone and it looses its effectiveness after a couple of uses. Nathan responds better to it, but still needs to alternate it with ibuprofen.

The weather has been very cold lately. The temperature was -15 degrees on Thursday morning when the bus pulled up for the kids.  I think we've actually stayed above zero for the past two nights.  I'm sure the dogs, cats and chickens have appreciated the heat wave.

I don't know what to write about.  The truth is, I'm running at a high-irritation level right now and it causes high feelings of guilt.  I have long-suffering issues with my family.  I find fault with my neighbors much too quickly.  My kids are constantly asking me for something and it is all winding me into a time bomb.

I know none of you want to be saddled with the stuff that eats at me.  I don't want to write about it because it all seems so trivial.  I just want it to go away!  (No, I don't need a special light to sit under.  If only it were that easy.)


  1. Do you mind if I take the general feel of this post, minus your details, add mine and insert it into my blog!!!!!!!!!

  2. Go for it, Kelly. The more the merrier, right?
