Thursday, August 9, 2012

HOT Summer

This summer has been very hot! There have been more days in the upper 90's this summer than any other summer I can remember.  That makes it very hard to be nice to each other. ;)

On that note, Daniel had a much better day today and only almost got himself in trouble at bed time.  I am hoping that tomorrow will be good as well.  If not, Operation Solitary Confinement will start.

Daniel had a physical therapy appt. today for his jaw.  It was a scheduled visit and he wasn't hurting, but he has been, so we were hoping for just an adjustment.  Then we got a call saying that his PT was sick, but we could get in with another guy. We did that and it may have turned out to be a good thing.  We are trying to watch his posture and strengthening his neck muscles.  Doesn't it sound strange that something like that would affect his jaw?  There is so much about the body that I don't understand.  I am amazed.  And I am hopeful that we will find a way to manage his jaw pains.

Nathan's leg is still really tight and he lags behind when we go out.  He hasn't asked for medicine for a while, so that is something.  He sees an even more specialized PT next week. 

Leah sees the doctor about her sleep walking tomorrow afternoon.  I would love an answer about that, too!

Despite the pain and money it takes to look for relief from the pain, the kids are still robust and healthy.  I know we could have it much worse and I'm thankful for what we don't have to face.  Even so, we are getting very weary with the challenge we've been given.

My kids were introduced to "Kid History" on this week.  If you haven't seen it, you should check out the videos.   There are several of them and they are very funny.  (Little kids tell wacky stories and grown-ups act them out, lip syncing to the kids' voices.)

This is a short one...we thought it was funny.  Search "Kid History" on youtube to find them all. :)

I am looking forward to possible rain/thunderstorms tomorrow!!


  1. Pain is just no fun. I hope it all gets better :)

  2. The experts say that some stress can be good for you. The expert might have been a late-twenties social scientist who conducted social stress tests on college kids who didn't have kids.
