Saturday, June 9, 2012

I can do it by myself!

Sarah thinks she can wash her hair by herself.  Her exact words were, "I can do it.  I don't need help.  I can do this by myself."

Of course, she never got the front part of her hair wet and never used shampoo.  So when she asked me if she looked clean, I had to say no.

But she remained certain she'd done the job to completion.  :)

All of this followed the show of slapping soaking wet undies on the bathroom floor because she got in before remembering to take them off!


  1. It's cute that she's trying! They grow up so fast. . .

  2. Small children are the only ones of us that don't need help.

  3. Honestly, I had not seen the title to this post when I was writing my comments under the post, "Wait For Me." At a certain point in a child's life, independence or willfulness, becomes important to the child. I do remember that it was with you and your siblings. Years later I reflected on the issue, and thought humorously, that toddlers are so motivated to help their parents, when they are not physically able to do everything. Then, when they are old enough to physically do it, they have lost their motivation to do chores, but have gained the new motivation to engage in other adult activities--like driving a car, choosing an odd attire, and what to eat and when.
