Sunday, June 24, 2012

Chore Charts

It's finally happened...Joseph has been added to the chore chart. 

Sarah will be jealous, but it will be hard enough helping Joseph and the whole point of having the kids do it is so that I don't have to!  And of course, to teach them responsibility.  *wink*

I think Joseph must be advanced because we didn't add Rebekah to the job corps when she was 4.  Or maybe we just need him to be busy with something productive.  I have a feeling he'll be honored to see his name up there, regardless.  :)

You can see the old chart was getting a little worn out and beaten down.  When Daniel squirted it with cherry juice today, I took it as a sign.  Let the fun begin!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Flower Trough

We finally put this old water trough to good use (we've also used it to drown skunks in).  The house looks a little cheerier.  Now if I could just get the kids to keep those curtain sheers looking nice...we'd be respectable!


Nathan has been learning today.  Better his cars than mine!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Wait For Me

I'm feeling a little philosophical today.  Maybe it's because I am sitting in a quiet car, waiting for Daniel.

Anyway, I just witnessed a mother and 3 or 4 children walk into the high school, a boy about 4 trailing behind a few steps.  As his mother and sisters opened the door and started going in, he picked up his pace while repeating, "Wait for me.  Wait for me, Mom!"

The mother didn't look at all like she was going to leave him behind and I suspect he didn't really believe that she would either.  But it didn't stop him from pleading for her to wait.

I wondered how often my own kids feel like I'm not waiting for them.  (Sometimes I'm seriously tempted not to!) 

And I thought of the times I've felt the same way.  Sometimes the world around us and even those who love us seem unable to slow down and wait for us.  At times like these we find our steps quicken in an effort to not be left behind.

Slow down world!  We are all headed for the same place.  Let's go together.  And maybe we can hold onto those little ones to keep them from getting too distracted and noticing too late that they've fallen behind.

The End.  ;) 

Monday, June 11, 2012


Here is what faces me today.  Housework.  Blech.  I think I should move to a cleaner house.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

I can do it by myself!

Sarah thinks she can wash her hair by herself.  Her exact words were, "I can do it.  I don't need help.  I can do this by myself."

Of course, she never got the front part of her hair wet and never used shampoo.  So when she asked me if she looked clean, I had to say no.

But she remained certain she'd done the job to completion.  :)

All of this followed the show of slapping soaking wet undies on the bathroom floor because she got in before remembering to take them off!